The Project

1001 soul Reza Nassrollahi

 1001Soul – 1001Encounter

Connecting the World Through Art – an International and Intercultural Project

(Hier gibt es die  1001Soul Kurzbeschreibung auf deutsch.)

1001SOUL is a large-scale interdisciplinary and transcultural project. Its starting point is the fact that we live in a world of conflicts, demarcations and divisions; the project seeks to interrogate how connections can be re-established, dialogues between people promoted, and how reconciliation can succeed – by the means of art. 1001SOUL is more than just an art project. It pursues a mission and vision as an ‘artistic peace pact’ between people, countries, cultures and religions. The arts serve as a bridge between people, people and places, their cultures, religions and philosophies.

For an expanded period of time, Reza Nassrollahi, Iranian artist, and Nic Leonhardt, German theatre, art and media scholar and writer, will travel across borders and meet people. Reza will be painting people and places, Nic will be writing about the encounters and observations during the journey and shall curate talks, open tables and performative events around 1001SOUL jointly with locals in the respective region. At the end of 1001SOUL there will be a gigantic screen of 1001 single images (10 x 2.10 m each) on 4400m2and on a length of 2.10 km, which will be visible for everyone worldwide via aerial photographs and live cams. In addition to the mega-screen, a commented catalogue of the soul paintings as well as the book 1001Encounter will be written by Nic Leonhardt.

1001SOUL is based on universal questions that all human beings share:

  • What connects people?
  • What do they have in common with nature?
  • What connects the microcosm and the macrocosm in a world that is so digitally networked and yet so socially and politically fragmented?
  • What is happiness?
  • What affects us here and there?
During the project, social media updates, photos, films, live cams and the local press shall regularly inform about the team’s work and enable the followers to participate globally. The stopovers of 1001Soulwill be presented to the global audience in several exhibitions. The images and text editions will be auctioned and sold at the end. 100% of the proceeds will serve to support needy children and social/environmental initiatives in the places visited.
1001Soul1001Encounter– One World.


What if it really became reality?
